Resting – In Post-modern Technological Society

January 5, 2016
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We live in a target-driven age wherein performance and results are an obsession for many. Our communities and countries are cruising at supersonic speeds on the informational technology highway and any delays or time lost is met with harsh criticism and intolerance.

Foods and drinks have been developed to try and keep us awake and away from resting. Businesses operate 24/7 with very little or no time to rest.

Some of the underlaying and leading causes of death can be attributed to a lack of proper rest. Find out more by watching this special health message by Gandy Madzalo, a naturo-pathic and nutrition specialist from Purelight Missions. It is highly beneficial and recommended that you get adequate rest daily. In this clip on health is wealth series he is presenting on the benefits of resting. 

Besides sleeping your regular night hours, there is also a better rest promised by Jesus. He said, “Come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy laden and I will give thee rest.” (Matthew 11:28).

Find out how you can enjoy a wealth of health as well as the special rest promised by Jesus.

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