MelVee Marriage Testimony: Pastor Monkitsi & Vuyolwethu Seoketsa

August 9, 2015
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After the honeymoon it takes more than romantic love or feelings to sustain a marriage. Discoveries and disappointments over unfulfilled expectations and unexpected realities in marriage can cause many to give up easily and decide to get a divorce. Instead of working out to build a stronger marriage, many walk out with broken hearts and bruised feelings. There are many broken vessels and casualties out there.

In this video, there is hope for building stronger marriages. We managed to invite Pastor Monkitsi Seoketsa and his wife, Mrs Vuyolwethu Seoketsa, to share what they consider to be PILLARS or BUILDING BLOCKS FOR STRONGER MARRIAGES. Drawing from over 22 years of experience in marriage and conducting marriage counselling, they discuss nuggets from life’s relational realities and circumstances where the real test of TRUE LOVE begins. Sadly many couples are not able to withstand the test of true love, trust, intimacy, and commitment, which are some of the core building blocks for a stronger marriage that works and lasts. They make a case for marriage being hard work which starts before marriage and continues through out marriage.

Please note that nothing is prescriptive in this discussion, but valued suggestions are made of pillars of a strong marriage. These suggestions are founded on the Word of God and they are essential materials to building a strong family. There is no building up of the family without the building up of the marriage. The husband and wife relationship is the primary relationship in the family.

MELVEE MARRIAGE TESTIMONY Pillars for Building Stronger Marriages: Pastor & Mrs Seoketsa

MELVEE MARRIAGE TESTIMONY Pillars for Building Stronger Marriages: Pastor & Mrs Seoketsa

This productions is brought you by MelVee Video Productions, “A Divine Voice Out of Africa.”