Memory Text: “ ‘From the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force’” (Matthew 11:12, NKJV). Each day we make important choices about lifestyle,
UNSHAKEN Music Group singing “Jesus Mununuri.” Recorded Live at Golden Harvest SDA Church in Randburg. South Africa. March 2016.
UNSHAKEN Music Group from Harare, Zimbabwe recorded live at Golden Harvest SDA Church in Randburg, Johannesburg, South Africa. March 2016. Here they are singing the song, “I am Yours God.” March 2016.
UNSHAKEN Music Group from Harare, Zimbabwe recorded live at Golden Harvest SDA Church in Randburg, Johannesburg, South Africa. March 2016. Here they are singing the song, “You Better Mind.” March 2016.
UNSHAKEN Music Group from Harare, Zimbabwe recorded live at Golden Harvest SDA Church in Randburg, Johannesburg, South Africa. March 2016. Here they are singing the song, “To Be Like Jesus.” March 2016.
This week on MelVee Sabbath School, Elder Bruce Mutaurwa (Anchor), King Makupe, and Bhekinkosi Ncube discuss the Bible Lesson #4 on, “Faith and Healing.” They make use of Matthew 9:5 as a key text, which says, “‘Which
UNSHAKEN Music Group singing “I am Longing.” For any Christian, the number one wish must be to see the second coming of Jesus and being gathered into the Kingdom of God. May your prime longing be to
UNSHAKEN Music Group singing “Mweya Mutsvene” (Holy Spirit). This is a prayer invoking the Holy Spirit (Mweya Mutsvene) to come and abide with us, to teach and lead us. Its plea to the Holy Spirit to
Elder Nixon Kadiramwando sharing on the message entitled “Old Time Religion” under the theme, The Power of Adventist Music” Regorded and Published by: MelVee Video Productions
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