This Melvee Sabbath School Lesson is hosted by Elder Bruce Mutaurwa and he is joined by Loago Setswalo and Simdumise Poswa (both from Purelight Missions Ministry, They discuss the lesson theme on how the gospel transcends
This message is part of a 16-part series under the theme; “Behold What Manner of Love Series,” presented at Golden Harvest SDA Church from 10 to 24 May 2015. Evangelist Clement Kahiya is teaching on the
This week’s Melvee Sabbath School lesson is hosted by Elder Bruce Mutaurwa and he is joined by Loago Setswalo and Simdumise Poswa (both from Purelight Missions Ministry, They discuss the lesson theme on how the
Do you know how your brain works and interacts with the body and emotions? This draws from the life of Joseph and shares beautiful lessons that will help anyone interested in gaining mastering over adversity.
Here is a message to explores the nature of temptations and how to overcome it.
What do you remember about biblical Joseph? What made him famous and great! Find out.
According to Scripture, the core activity of the Godhead is mission. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are involved in saving humanity. The Godhead is in the business of restoring the lost world to full unity
There is nothing that beats your testimony when it comes to showcasing the power of God in your life and relationship. In our post-modern society where marriage is being redefined and altered from the ideals that
When God does a miraculous act and turns your circumstances around, and your axe head finally, and against all odds floats on water, don’t be shy to pick it up your. Find out more by watching
Gandy Manzalo is a Medical Nutritionist and Health and Wellness Director at Purelight Missions. This message was delivered at University of Botswana as Session 3 of the 4-part Sanctuary Seminar. In this message Gandy Manzalo, shares
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