MelVee Sabbath School || Qrt 4 – Lesson 09 || Jeremiah’s Yoke

November 24, 2015
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This week’s MelVee Bible study team is made up of Melusi Ndhlalambi (as Anchor), Elders Nixon Kadiramwando and Blessing Machona as panelists. Together they discuss Lesson 9 of 13 from the Book of Jeremiah, entitled, “JEREMIAH’S YOKE.”

As we have already seen, God’s prophets preached not only through words but also through object lessons. At times the prophets had to live out the messages; it was another way to get the point across. Thus, Jeremiah again was called to live out the words he was to deliver. First, he had to wear a wooden yoke. Thus saith the Lord to me; Make thee bonds and yokes, and put them upon thy neck (Jer. 27:2). That had to have been a burdensome task, even under the best of circumstances; in this case, it became harder because a false prophet challenged what Jeremiah said. This week the panel expounds on a powerful way how truth and error contended for the hearts and minds of the people. As you watch this discussion you will discover how a message of grace can also be a false message, cheap grace that will result in bondage.

Jeremiah also was forbidden to enter into mourning when others mourned and rejoicing when others rejoiced. In these cases, the point was to help the people realize what was coming because of their sins, and so to repent and obey, lessening the doleful consequence of their sinful actions.

The clarion call of Luke 9:23 still applies to us when Jesus said, “…if any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me.”

Recorded and Produced by MelVee Video Productions.
A Divine Voice Out of Africa.
Twitter: @MelVeeVideoPro

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