MelVee Sabbath School || Qrt 1 2016 Ln 13 || Redemption

March 18, 2016
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Join Loago Setswalo (guest anchor), Bruce Mutaurwa and Shaun Ryan as they discuss the final lesson for the Bible Study Series entitled Rebellion and Redemption.

The Promise is sure, that “….God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away” (Revelation 21:4, NKJV).

People often ask, why did evil arise in the first place? Centralto the answer lays in the fact that God gave each creature full freedom. True freedom, true moral freedom, involves risk, because if persons (or beings) are truly free, then they must have the option to do wrong.

Fair enough, but the next question arises: Why then didn’t God just
blot them out when they did wrong and spare the rest of us the horrible results of rebellion? The answer gets to the heart of the great controversy.

As we will see this week, the Lord runs a kind of “open” government, and though much about Him and His ways are mysterious, He will resolve the great controversy in a way that will forever end all questions about His self denial, goodness, justice, love, and law.

Indeed, we will be given a thousand years to get answers, at least
answers regarding the fate of the lost (we’ll have an eternity for the
rest). After the Second Coming, the redeemed will live and reign with Christ for a thousand years. And, even more incredible, they will have an active role in judgment.

Join the MelVee panel as they discuss the final episodes of the long playing drama of the great controversy.

Recorded and Produced by
Melvee Video Productions

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