MelVee Sabbath School || Global Rebellion & The Patriarchs || Qrt 1 2016 Lesson 3

January 10, 2016
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MelVee Sabbath School – Global Rebellion & The Patriarchs (Qrt 1 2016 Lesson 3)

This week on MelVee Sabbath School brings you the Bible discussion from Harare, Zimbabwe. Join Elder Blessing Machona (anchor) and Innocent Mushamba and Alister Murwira as they discuss how rebellion and deception manifested itself and grew in the families that lived after the Garden of Eden. Its clear from these stories that follow the Fall that deception and broken relationships continued from in Eden, spread and diversified over the globe to deeper levels.

Using Genesis 28:15 as the key memory text: “‘Behold, I am with you and will keep you wherever you go, and will bring you back to this land; for I will not leave you until I have done what I have spoken to you” (NKJV), the lesson traces the manifestation of rebellion and deception in early families with a special focus on Cain and Abel, Noah and the Flood, Abraham, the twins Jacob and Esau as well as Joseph and his brothers.

In the story of Cain and Abel, worship becomes the catalyst for discord and death, a recurring theme throughout history.

The story of the Flood reveals how rebellion and sin cause the unraveling of everything that God created. Sin not only distorts creation, it destroys it.

Abraham’s experience is a major encouragement in the conflict, with God demonstrating His willingness to take the consequences of rebellion upon Himself. He would become our Substitute.

Then in the stories of Jacob and Esau and Joseph and his brothers, we see the continuing interplay of fractured relationships being the means that Satan uses to destroy families and people groups.

Yet through it all, the faithfulness of God, as He sustains and nurtures His harassed children, continues.

Recorded and Produced by:
MelVee Video Productions
“A Divine Voice Out of Africa”

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