Bible Lesson || The Kingdom of God!

June 13, 2015
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In these last days, we are encouraged to study the Bible for ourselves. In this week’s Melvee Video Productions Bible Lesson Study we focus on “The Kingdom of God.” The study is chaired by Nixon Kadiramwando and is joined by Evangelist Rodgers Mulenga Lesa (from Lusaka, Zambia) and Elder Bruce Mutaurwa (from Randburg, South Africa).

The Bible encourages us to seek the Kingdom of God first and that all other things will be added (Matthew 6:33). God is looking people who are prepared to sacrifice all for His Kingdom; those who say, “in my life God reigns.” Like Nathaniel, God says of them, “they are Israelites indeed, in whom is no guile!” (John 1:47). These are Kingdom citizens whose lives are recipients and dispensers of His grace. They are “God-ruled persons” and whereever they are, they are building the Kingdom of God.

May this be your prayer, that where ever you are on this planet, you too become a true ambassador of God’s Kingdom, so that the words of Jesus will be fulfilled which say, “People will come from east and west and north and south, and will take their places at the feast in the kingdom of God (Luke 13:29).

If this Bible lesson has been a blessing to you, please leave a comment below or share it with others in your friends and family and let them also receive their portion of the blessing.

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