Finishing Strong Series: A Strong Finish!

January 1, 2016
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Finishing Strong Series:
Published with Permission: By Pastor Simba Muhau.

A Strong Finish!

Key Text: “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.” (II Corinthians 5:17, NKJV). Further Reading: Job 8:7; Haggai 2:9

Having been one of the worst sprinters myself in High School, I know what it means to start weak. It so happened that one day I was put in a team of the best sprinters in school. The four of us gathered in a little circle for strategy time. It was unanimously agreed that I will start since I was the slowest. To my surprise they all were very encouraging. The only thing they stressed is whatever you do don’t drop the baton. I was psyched up and went to the start line. With all the adrenaline rush I must have even left one guy behind me. But the drama started as soon as passed the baton. We were trailing behind but the better sprinters started covering the gap and when they handed the baton to the finisher he was third but I saw him go past the two people ahead of him and finish first. We all celebrated and we won the race and were crowned champions for the day.

To many of us here we don’t have a so good past and we don’t pray as we ought to. When our history is pulled up it’s not clean but allow me to say you can finish strong. Started the year addicted but the Verse makes it clear that if we are in Christ we become new creatures. That means it does not matter where and how we started, as long as our conscience is telling us to do right and the door of mercy is still open we still can be saved and finish strong. Some have a bad past but we can’t do anything about our past, we ask Jesus to change us we begin anew.

Adam sinned therefore there was need for a kinsmen Redeemer. Hence Christ came. Defied all the odds being born in a messed up Lineage just to tell a no good sinner like you and me that it is possible. Rahab the harlot is in that lineage. Abraham lied and He’s in that lineage. David stole Uriah’s wife but he’s in that looks lineage. A Canaanite woman is in that lineage an outsider but she was grafted in. If God can change such messed up people He surely can deal with our mess.

As long as we surrender ourselves to Christ and allow Him into our lives and to take charge. We become new creatures. Our former is gone and we become new. Aaaw, I feel like shouting Hallelujah this is wonderful. That means even the vilest sinner such as I have got a chance to make it. If Jesus could change such characters He surely can change me.

  • David and adulterer to a friend of God.
  • Samson was a womanizer who ended up blind but served God with his last strength
  • Paul was murderer whom God turned into a missionary.
  • Abraham lied but he was a friend of God
  • The other thief on the cross did not die a thief but a sinner forgiven and saved by Grace.
  • Thomas doubted
  • James and John were gang bangers but Jesus drew them close
  • Peter wielded a sword but Jesus changed Him.

It doesn’t matter how you start it matters how you finish. Together with Paul we want to be able to say, “I’ve fought a good fight and I’ve finished the race, the time of my departure is at hand.” As we finish this series today and finish the year let us Finish Strong not trusting in out own strength but Christ’s. Not our own righteousness but His righteousness. Looking into Jesus the Author and Finisher of our faith.

Our devotional and prayer lives can be strong once again. Our past deleted and given a clean slate. What a wonderful God we serve. Together we can sing Redeemed How I love to proclaim it, redeemed by the Blood of the Lamb. Oh there is power in the name of Jesus, to break every chain, every yoke every barrier. Would you be free from the burden of sin, there is power in the Blood.

Let us Pray: Father, thank you for causing our latter days to be so much greater than our former days! Thank you for your Splendor coming down, touching, and dancing upon our lives causing them to radiate. Thank you most Holy Father that we stand in Your Field of Protection, Your Field of Love, Your Field of Prosperity, Your Field of Health, Your Field of Peace, Your Field of Joy, and Your Field of More-than-Enough! We call forth your latter rain to pour down on us right now. Drench us and drench our lives with the Splendor of Your Latter Rain. We thank you for doing this amazing work in us and in our lives. And we thank you in the Name of Your Most Radiant Son, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen and Amen.

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