MelVee Sabbath School || Qrt 2 2016 Ln 12 || Jesus’ Last Days

June 10, 2016
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Join the MelVee Sabbath School guest panelists of Bruce Mutaurwa, Shaw Manyema and Michael Mutisya as they discuss this week’s lesson on “Jesus’ Last Days.”

In this Bible lesson, the panelists trace Jesus as he entered the final moments before the cross. The world, even the universe, begins to face the most crucial moment in the history of creation.

The panelists bring out so many lessons derived from the events that we will look at this week, chief of which is that “each one has freedom and free will.” The lesson examines how different characters used the great and costly gift of freedom. Peter, Judas, and the woman with the alabaster box all had to make choices. But most important of all, Jesus, too, had to make choices, and the greatest one was to go to the cross, even though His human nature had cried out against it: “ ‘O My Father, if it is possible, let this
cup pass from Me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as You will’ ” (Matt. 26:39, NKJV).

The panelists also look at the powerful and even eternal consequences that arose from the use, one way or another, of this gift of freedom and choice.

The irony is incredible: the gift of free will that we had abused brought Jesus to this very moment, where Jesus—using His own free will—had to choose whether or not to save us from the destruction that our abuse of free will would otherwise have brought us.

Recorded and Published by:
MelVee Video Productions

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