December 16, 2015
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DThank you everyone for your involvement in 2015. We have been blessed by the speakers, singers, panelists and productions teams and churches and Conferences and Unions we have worked with in 2015. Here are a few highlights of work done in 2015 (NOTE figures are from YouTube Analytics only, and excludes other Melvee platforms such as Twitter, Facebook and website):

> We have recorded and published 3 major Evangelistic Campaigns, worked in 5 countries of South Africa and generated
> 479 videos now published Youtube (By 16th Dec 2015)
> 1,726 net Subscribers gained on YouTube (211 subscribers lost),
> 4,531 likes (and 122 dislikes)
> MelVee videos have been added to 3,894 playlists/favourites lists.

This has been a busy year compaired to 2014. A total 654,723 views were recorded from 213 territories or countries. The top viewing countries (from the top) are South Africa, UK, USA, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Canada, Kenya, Australia, Zambia, Jamaica. The majority of our viewers (74%) are aged between 18 and 34 years; 54% are males and 47% female.

The viewers have spent a combined 3,224,851 minutes watching MelVee videos (this I equivalent to 2,240 days or 6.4 person/years!), just in one year!
> 3,634 shares (the op three being a song by Nyakallo entitled Never Give Up, and two sermons by Pastor Randy Skeete (How to Get Prayers Answered and How to Be Successful)

Our viewers used various devises – computers (54%), Mobile Devices (29%), Tablets (11%) and TV (4,7%). The rest (1.3) were unknown gadgets.

Thank you to all who make 2015 such a fruitful year!

Melusi & Vivian Ndhlalambi
Melvee Video Productions

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